Monday, June 6, 2011


Ok, it's not Friday but just deal with it.  I am happy to report that I was having too much fun this week to post something.   It wasn't until my cousin Mike Phelan and friend Dan Paglia wrote in to tell me they were highly anticipating it that I decided to post!  So here is another Friend or Foe Challenge.











1) FRIENDS!  These were my 4wd mates on Fraser Island!  Our tour guide, Craig, drove us around in the most comfortable safari car and blasted some great music.  Tyser (pictured left, from Zimbabwe) and Al (pictured second from left, from England) were so awesome!  My reoccuring German friend, Lena, is on the right.  We were belting out a variety of tunes- from hard core rock/metal to Disney classics.  It all began when I played the song “Craig” by Stephen Lynch.  Our VERY fun tour guide fully embraced his role as “Fcking Craig Christ”.  Listen to the song and it will make sense. Craig loved his job and was remarkable at it.  He made Fraser Island a highlight of my trip.
2) Anjin- FOE!  Sucks.  Just sucks.  He was a biologist from Switzerland and was dubbed ‘Peter Pan’ within about 10 minutes of knowing him on our trip on Fraser Island.  He volunteered more information on a species than anyone was interested in and rarely shut up.  He was also, surprisingly, very grope-y with the young girls on the trip and I caught him taking candid pictures of them from behind.  Yuckitty Yuck on this guy.
3) FRIEND!  Don’t let that story about the dingo eating a baby make you think these guys are killers.  I would trust a dingo before a human.  These cute little doggies roamed all around our campsite on Fraser Island.  They were incredibly smart and very determined to eat our food and drink our beer.  After so much warning the first night, we were terrified that we would encounter them while we relieved ourselves in the bush.  We thought the flashlight showed eyes in the distance and were so quick to do our business and run back to camp!  In the morning, we found the real culprit- a plain old bucket.
4) FRIENDS!  These guys were at the Dolphins Backpackers hostel in Noosa.  German Stefan (pictured on left) enjoyed the town so much that he decided to stay for a couple months and work at the hostel.  He was more mature than his 21 years would suggest and gave me some great surfing tips.  I taught him how to pronounce the letter ‘R’ since the poor guy had only learned British English in school!  Bas (pictured on right) was staying in our hostel suite but was originally from Holland.  He always had a lot to say but luckily it was all good things.  Both guys made the hostel a cooler place.
5)  FRIEND!  This cool cat hails from Wales.  We met Josh and his Canadian friend, Leighton, in our hostel in Noosa.  We all shared a cab into town where we pursued rave music for Leighton to dance to.  Who knew Canadian men had dance fever?  There was too much Techno pumping through the two clubs in this town.  To me, one techno song is considered too much.  Josh was a really cool guy though and a devout Manchester United fan.  He stayed up until 7:30am to watch his team lose 2-1 to Barcelona. 
6) FRIEND!  CRIKEY!  I can’t think of a more passionate and loving person than Steve Irwin, the infamous Crocodile Hunter.  He succeeded his parents in maintaining (and heavily expanding) the Australia Zoo just north of Brisbane.  The zoo was awesome- so expansive and interactive.  The animals appeared almost as happy as the staff that worked there.  Steve’s devotion to wildlife was truly remarkable.  He singlehandedly saved thousands of animal species while making the world aware of the conservation necessary to save millions more.  He led an AMAZING life and I think he would be very proud of how his zoo is thriving.
7) FRIEND!  Simon says, “Scratch your side.” I think this kangaroo and I could have gone head to head in a game of Simon Says.  This little bugger was one of many roaming at the Australia Zoo.  They were such sweet animals- I just laid down beside them.  I even took the ‘two drunk girls in a bar with one extended arm” kinda picture!  The cutest kangaroos had to be the ones hiding in their mama’s pouch.  You wouldn’t believe how big the little roos were!  It was common to see a pouch with an arm, leg, claw or tail just hanging out of it.
8) FRIEND! This is one of three elephant sisters at the Australia Zoo!  She is 53 years old and still knows how to have a good time.  I gave her some scraps of cantelope and melon for breakfast, which she graciously took and repaid me in elephant slobber.  Mmmm.  I also watched her receive her daily bath from her zoo keepers- quite the pampering.  Do you know how hard it is to clean between elephant toe nails??
9) FOE!  This crocodile was seen performing at the Australia Zoo.  Even though he was Steve Irwin's most beloved creatures, I am not a fan of these slippery reptiles.  Too many teeth.   

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