At Summit of Diamond Lake Hike |
Day 10: I thought Russian Maria may have died when she was still sleeping at 10am. Her friend, Jason, came into the house to make us special ham and cheese omelets. Delicious! Jason was so incredibly nice to let us stay in his cottage house and help us with anything we needed. Kiwis are great. It took us quite a bit of time to get going but we made it into town by noon where we tried to hack into Base Hostel’s internet. DENIED! I totally didn’t see that coming. Internet was too expensive in this town at $5 per hour, even at the public library! Surely there is free internet somewhere. I will find it. Next, we headed to Diamond Lake Reserve for a good hike. We went half way up together and then Maria stayed behind to meditate and I headed for the summit. She wasn’t much of a hiker so it worked out for both of us. There were amazing views of Lake Wanaka and surrounding mountains and the air was so clean that we could hear a disgruntled cow continuously mooing in the distance. I had a couple scary falls when I was hiking alone. My sneakers were low on tread and the trail was pretty slick so there were parts when the earth gave away and I was about to slide down the mountain. The first one was pretty darn scary and can honestly say that I did see some people and things flash before my eyes. Gayle and Fara were definitely there…probably because they both would have scolded me for hiking alone and insisted that I be more careful. I made it back to the car at 4:45 and was getting eaten alive by sand flies.
Diamond Lake |
We had one beer in town and then came back to the house for a nice shower, some guacamole for dinner and the movie “Due Date”. It was so freaking bad. I laughed at parts but I really hated it for being so stupid. How do you sign up for that as a respectable actor? Just terrible.
Amazing maze |
Toilet bowl at Puzzling World in Wanaka |
Roman potty! |
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Excuuuuse me. Occupied. |
Ames Room |
We had an earlier start to our day and I was excited when Jason booked me for skydiving the next morning at 10:30am, weather pending of course. We headed to Puzzled World where we kicked the large labyrinth’s ass in the first 30 minutes and were able to find all 4 of our destinations. It kicked ours for the next 30 when we couldn’t find our way out. We headed off to the special illusions toilets where we ‘pottied’ with the Ancient Romans. They also had these AWESOME toilet seats throughout the women’s bathroom. I really wanted one for my future home. We headed to the museum portion next where they had some trippy holograms and a room where all the faces follow you. There was an Illusion Room that made us both sick to our stomachs with mindgames and brainteasers around every corner. We also took some pictures in a room that showed one person extremely large and one extremely small when the room itself appeared normal- this illusion was used when filming Lord of the Rings. The whole place was mind-blowing and served as a cheap thrill for our trip to Wanaka! I scored big for the team when I hacked into YHA’s free internet. HUGE find! We watched a local rugby game in the cold, rainy weather and took a good amount of pictures of the creatures playing for both teams. I didn’t really understand all the rules to the game but I did realize that American football players are pansies compared to these guys!! No equipment! They are tough as nails here!
They also had a beer in one hand and cigarette in the other once the final whistle blew. The men here are very unkept- scruffy facial hair (and I don’t mean the good kind) and wildly, uneven and uncombed hair. I would describe them as slightly hobbit-like. We headed back home to make a fabulous pasta dinner and then spent the remaining three hours of the day catching up on our lives online. Time flies when the internet is free. I drove for the first time! Life is really different on the left side of the road. You have to remember to do the opposite of what you usually do. The tough part is when you don’t remember what you usually do.
Fox Glacier |
Day 12:
Fox glacier |
The rain hitting the window pane at 8am meant that my skydiving appointment for 10:30am was most likely going to be cancelled. We decided to pack up our belongings and bid our Wanaka house and host adieu in hopes of skydiving further up the coast. We picked 12 apples from Jason’s tree in his yard and hit up the YHA internet just one last time before heading out of town. I had a great skype session with Brian, Nolan and Adam even though they couldn’t hear me. I did some fast typing and Nolan did some fast reading. We had a very fun time dancing to ‘The Dog Days are Over’ and I think Brian got it on video.
Maria and I headed up the coast and didn’t stop until we hit Fox Glacier about 3.5 hours later. We walked 40 minutes out to see what looked like a block of dirty snow between the rock beds. The beautiful blue color that resided deep within the glacier was quite impressive but I had no desire to hike it via helicopters and ice picks. We had a great view from where we were and were ?lucky? enough for a rain shower to pass through. The sunset and sudden rain presented an amazing rainbow that shined right over the glacier.I took the driver’s seat for the rest of the evening as we took the windy roads in pursuit of Punakaiki. There were so many one lane bridges, tight turns, and passing lanes to keep in mind and I tended to favor the left side since it was still strange to ride on the WRONG side. We got into Franz Joseph glacier too late and weren’t able to take the 7k hike in. I kind of regret it but we knew we wanted to get up the coast while it was dark out. We stopped in Greymouth just long enough for Maria to use cell phone reception and for me to get Domino’s. I had been SOOO good and totally deserved it. It’s different in NZ though- they didn’t offer any marinara sauce with it and I had to beg for some pizza sauce.
We found the YHA in Greymouth but it was too late to use their internet so we drove on. We hadn’t really figured out where we would sleep that night and how far we’d drive. I reassured her that I was up for sleeping in the car and she said, ‘How did I luck out in finding the only American girl that wouldn’t mind sleeping in the car?’ We drove another 30 minutes which had turned back toward the coast and offered spectacular views of the Tasman Sea and green mountains full of bush. We found a nice, hidden grassy pull-off that would offer us safe shelter for the night. We mastered all the seat adjustments of her friend’s Toyota Land Cruiser Prado and realized we could actually concoct some sweet beds! We brushed our teeth outside the car and were able to watch about 10 mins of the only non-Russian DVD Maria had before I fell asleep.